SDFF coming to you April 2022!
ID: Blue dusk background with mountains on the bottom and pine trees on both sides of the banner. Yellow mustard Sasquatch peers out of a tree and waves on the left. Deaf Spotlight logo at the right. Text on top centered: “FILM SUBMISSION: July - Nov 2021”. Neon sign for “SEATTLE DEAF FILM FESTIVAL,” on left.
Deaf Spotlight is excited to host the 6th Seattle Deaf Film Festival (SDFF) from April 8-10, 2022. SDFF is one of the world’s premiere Deaf film festivals. We show movies from around the globe that are created by or starring Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing people.
We have not decided if SDFF 2022 will be in-person, virtual, or both. Deaf Spotlight is committed to the safety of our guests and community. Check our website and social media frequently for updates.
YouTube Screenshot. Click to see the video.
Patty Liang, an Asian-American woman, wearing a dark blue denim jacket. The upper half of her shoulder-length dark hair is pulled back. Patty is standing in front of a weathered grayish wood fence. Transcript available here.