Upper ID: yellow background with a paintbrush stylized black and white image of Short Play Festival 2019 crew and ensemble in a huddle with black text: "Programs."
We believe in supporting original and creative content about, for, and by Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing communities.
ID: black block with white capitalized text inside: “Art & Design.”
Art & Design
Deaf Spotlight hosts group and solo art exhibitions, as well as educational workshops for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing artists.
ID: Logo for BIPOC Deaf Arts Grant. Dark blue background with BIPOC across the top in stylized circles and blocks, with the B consisting of a purple circle overlapping with a green circle. the I is a long yellow block, next to a pink block making the side of the P with a light blue circle overlapping the pink. The 0 is a dark blue circle, and the C, an orange half-circle. Underneath is "Deaf Arts Grant" in thin white text.
BIPOC Deaf Arts Grant
The Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Deaf Arts Grant is an annual program that provides financial support for emerging and established artists to further advance their careers.
ID: a group of overlapping circles in rainbow colors with a black circle in the middle with white capitalized text: “Collaborations”
Deaf Spotlight partners with diverse organizations in order to nurture more accessible and inclusive creativity for all.
In past, Deaf Spotlight collaborated with WSRID to host Deaf Talks, a community event showcasing local members’ stories and thoughts, and participated as a planning committee member for DeafThrive, a family friendly festival that brings the Deaf community together.
During March 2023, Deaf Spotlight hosted LIMITLESS EXPRESSIONS featuring ASL Cabaret performers, Deaf Legends Photography Project, Deaf Author Readings, Visual Vernacular Performances, Dance Performances and dance workshops.
ID: teal circle with a white border circle with gray text: Creative Arts Camp (cursive) 2019 (bold) with different art supplies as sun rays around the circle.
Creative Arts Camp
Deaf Spotlight offers an annual week-long day camp. This camp is for youth ages 8-13 who are Deaf, Hard of hearing, or Children of Deaf Adults (CODAs). Deaf artists will provide a hands-on exploration of a rich variety of artistic mediums in a well-supervised and Deaf-friendly environment. This program is on hold until further notice.
ID: Blue dusk background with mountains on the bottom. Neon sign for “SEATTLE DEAF FILM FESTIVAL, deafspotlight.org/sdff” on left.
Seattle Deaf Film Festival
Seattle Deaf Film Festival (SDFF) showcases the best Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing filmmaking in the world.
SDFF is one of the biggest Deaf film festivals in the world. We believe in cultivating a vibrant community of emerging and experienced Deaf filmmakers, actors, and producers. Join us to see various short and feature films by members of the Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled and Hard of Hearing community.
ID: off white background with bold text in three consecutive lines: “DEAF,” “SPOTLIGHT” and “PRESENTS” in negative block space.
Deaf Spotlight Presents
During odd years, Deaf Spotlight will present a theatrical program featuring works written by Deaf playwrights. Deaf Spotlight will hire Deaf directors and Deaf cast to bring the story onto the stage. Not only that, the technical and backstage crew will be hired to support the production. Deaf Spotlight hosted the third biennial Short Play Festival in Spring 2023 with a theme: Floral Shop. Visit our SPF 2023 page.
Deaf Spotlight held the first biennial Short Play Festival in February 2019 in partnership with ACTLab at the ACT Theatre. Deaf Spotlight held the 2nd Short Play Festival in spring 2021 featuring 6 new stories by Deaf playwrights. In previous years, we produced three full theatrical productions: Broken Spokes, God of Carnage, and SKIN. Explore our archives.