Open Submission
ID: Blue dusk background with mountains on the bottom and pine trees on both sides of the banner. Yellow mustard Sasquatch peers out of a tree and waves on the left. Deaf Spotlight logo below it. Text on top centered: “FILM SUBMISSION: July - Nov 2021”. Neon sign for “SEATTLE DEAF FILM FESTIVAL,” on left.
To enter your film in the festival, you must use the Film Freeway website. Visit Film Freeway to see instructions for submitting your film.
Your film is eligible if it meets at least 2 of the following criteria:
-The film is made by a Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled or Hard of Hearing filmmaker
-The film features at least one authentic Deaf character
-The film is about the Deaf experience All submissions will be viewed by a screening committee, and the top films will be chosen for SDFF 2022.
Deaf Spotlight believes in cultivating a vibrant community of Deaf filmmakers, actors, writers, and producers. We hope to see more Deaf BIPOC filmmakers/actors, and we encourage BIPOC of all experience levels to submit their film for SDFF.
YouTube Screenshot. Click to see the video.
Patty Liang, an Asian-American woman wearing a blue long-sleeved hooded sweater, with her hands in the front pockets of her jeans. She has her dark hair pulled back in a bun. Patty stands on the sandy beach with the water behind her with low-lying mountains on the opposite shores. It is a cloudy, overcast day. Several pieces of driftwood dot the sand behind her as well. Transcript available here.