Professional Development Survey Infographics
Deaf Spotlight wants to collect data to support the future generations of underrepresented artists. This will be an annual effort to understand, to support and to create more equitable opportunities for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing artists and creatives to succeed in their respective careers and industries across the US.
Here’s our 2021 findings below.
ID: 2021 Professional Development Survey Infographics, square ad with a black background, showing several squares in different colors – blue, green, gray, red, white, purple and yellow in center. The red square has white text - “2021.” The white square has black text – “Professional Development Survey Infographics.” Deaf Spotlight logo is in the purple square. Below the image is white text: “Mission: To inspire and showcase Deaf Culture and Sign Languages through the arts.” An orange line divides the top from the bottom section. Below the line is a white box with black text: “76 Responses”. On the bottom, in small print is the website: “”. Below that is a row of social media icons for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Under that is a letter icon for email, with text next to it: