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Solstice Art Exhibit 2024

Summer Solstice Art Exhibit

Summer Solstice Art Exhibit

The summer solstice marks a time of vibrant energy, long days, and the beauty of nature in full bloom. During this time, the sun shines at its peak length, and we are kicking off the summer energy with an art gallery exhibiting a vibrant collection of original artwork submitted by Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled and Hard of Hearing artists, both locally and nationwide.

The gallery will be open during the month of June at our location: 1517 12th Ave, Unit 202, Seattle, WA 98122. The gallery will be open by appointments only on Mondays to Saturdays between 12-5pm. To schedule an appointment for viewing, please email .

The gallery will run through June and culminate with a reception on June 22, please do consider joining us for the celebration to mark the summer solstice!

Many handwaves to our 8 x 8 Exhibit Supporters: 4Culture, Washington State Arts Commission, City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, Blick Art Materials, and National Endowment for the Arts.  

ID: Flyer for the Community Art Exhibit: Summer Solstice with the title in dark green on a light yellow background dotted with flowers. Two graphics sit in a row under the title, the left graphic shows a sunrise at sea with the sunlight reflected on the water. The right graphic shows a sunset on a dark ground. Text below graphics: “Please join our reception: Saturday, June 22, 2024, 4-7pm. LIght refreshments will be provided. Deaf Spotlight 1517 12th Ave, Unit 202, Seattle, WA, 98122. RSVP: .” The Art & Design logo is on top center, with Deaf Spotlight logo on bottom center.

June 1

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June 4

Love Your Gut: Understanding the Microbiome and Fermented Foods