Upper Banner ID: Community Art Exhibit 2004: Summer Solstice with a light yellow background. On top is a small black box with white text: “Art & Design” above black text: “Community Art Exhibit 2024:” Underneath is light blue text “Summer” and dark blue text “Solstice.” There is a sun in between. In the middle are two images with few suns near the top of the images.  One on the left is a sun peeking behind a horizon, reflecting on water. One on the right is a Sun on the top half and the bottom half is dark blue with mountains.

CALL FOR ARTWORK: Community Art Exhibit 2024

ID: Community Art Exhibit 2004: Summer Solstice Flyer with a light yellow background. On top is a small black box with white text: “Art & Design” above black text: “Community Art Exhibit 2024:” Underneath is light blue text “Summer” and dark blue text “Solstice.” There is a sun in between. In the middle are two images with few suns near the top of the images.  One on the left is a sun peeking behind a horizon, reflecting on water. One on the right is a Sun on the top half and the bottom half is dark blue with mountains. Below the images is a yellow rectangular box with three black dots on either side of black text: “Seattle, Washington.” Two yellow boxes with text are underneath. The left box with black text: “Who can participate?” above a bullet list: “Deaf. DeafBlind. DeafDisabled. Hard of Hearing. CODA Youth.” The right box with black text: “Register by March 15, 2024. Deaf Spotlight.org/art-design. Questions? art-design@deafspotlight.org.” Deaf Spotlight logo on bottom with three suns on either side.

Celebrate the longest day of the year with our Summer Solstice Juried Exhibit! We invite Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing and CODA youth community members and artists of 2D / 3D mediums to submit their work to our new 8x8 exhibition. The summer solstice marks a time of vibrant energy, long days, and the beauty of nature in full bloom. We encourage artists to explore the themes of light, nature, and the changing seasons in their artworks.

This exhibit will feature original artwork made by individuals locally and from all over the country – by artists of all ages and skill levels. Cash prizes available for age groups: Youth, Young Adult, and Adult! 

Many handwaves to our 8 x 8 Exhibit Supporters: 4Culture, Washington State Arts Commission, City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture and National Endowment for the Arts.  

Call for Artwork: 8x8 Art Exhibit 

Exhibit Theme: Summer Solstice  

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024 

Exhibition Dates: Saturday, June 1, 2024- Sunday, June 30, 2024 

Location: Deaf Spotlight Art Space, Seattle, WA 98102  

About the Exhibit: 

Celebrate the longest day of the year with our Summer Solstice Juried Exhibit! We invite community members and artists of 2D / 3D mediums to submit their work to our new 8x8 exhibition. The summer solstice marks a time of vibrant energy, long days, and the beauty of nature in full bloom. We encourage artists to explore the themes of light, nature, and the changing seasons in their artworks. This exhibit will feature original artwork made by individuals locally and from all over the United States– by artists of all ages and skill levels. Cash prizes available for age groups: Youth, Young Adult, and Adult!  


Artwork Requirements: 

  • Open to artists of all ages, levels and backgrounds. 

  • Artists must be Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled or Hard of Hearing*.

    • If you are a youth who is a Child of Deaf Adult (CODA), you are eligible, too.   

  • Artists must reside in the United States at this time.  

  • The artwork must be original, created and submitted by the artist. All entries must be original and may not be copied from published artwork or photograph. 

  • 2D/3D art mediums are welcome, including painting, drawing, tactile, photography, ink or markers, and mixed media. 

  • Please no glitter or unfixed charcoal/pastel. 

  • Finished artwork must be 8 x 8 inches and must be flat backed. You do not need to add any hanging wires to the back.

  • Artwork with 3D components may not exceed 8 x 8 x 4 inches and must be able to hang on a wall.  

  • Works on paper (or other thin material) MUST be mounted such that the back is stiff. 

  • Works smaller than 6 x 6 inches must be on a wood panel (mounted) such that the outer dimension of the finished piece is 8 x 8 inches.  

  • Traditional Panel Example - the artist panel must be 8" x 8" x ¾". Deaf Spotlight will provide the panels with gesso coating to the artists.  

Sale of Artwork: 

  • All artwork by artists 18 and over will be offered for sale at the exhibit. Youth and Young Adult under 18’s artworks will not be on sale unless they consent with their parents’ permission.  

  • Deaf Spotlight Art & Design Program will pay any applicable sales tax on any works sold. 

  • Commission:  

  • Artists will receive 50% commission on any work sold. 

  • The rest of the proceeds will go to the Deaf Spotlight Art & Design Program – Thank You! 


Labeling of Artwork: 

  • Each work MUST have an identifying label affixed firmly with tape to the back side 

  • Labels should be approximately 2 x 4 inches, white paper with black ink, typed 

  • Labels must include artist’s name, title of the work, email 

  • This label will be removed upon sale so please do not glue or affix so strongly that it cannot be lifted off 

  • Artists may ALSO include a personal business card firmly affixed to the back side, or hand write directly on the back of their piece – this is in addition to the label and will stay with the work once sold 


 Artwork Guidelines: 

  • There are two parts: Registration and Submission.  

  • Registration 

  • Please fill out the Registration Form (part 1) and make a payment of $20 (for adults only) to Deaf Spotlight.  

  • We will send you an 8 inches x 8 inches traditional panel via USPS Ground.  

  • Create an original artwork on the panel that aligns with the summer Solstice themes: light, nature, and the changing seasons 

  • Submission 

  • After you complete your artwork, please fill out the Submission Form (part 2) with all necessary details (artwork dimensions, medium, etc) 

  • Include a bio (50 words or less) (optional: video up to 2 minutes max) 

  • Include brief artist statement and/or summary about your submitted artwork (100 words or less). (optional - video (up to 3 minutes max)  

  • Email your submission (1 artwork) and your headshot to art-design@deafspotlight.org with the subject line: "Summer Solstice Artwork Submission." 

  • Please determine your minimum starting price starting at $100 and over.  

  • You will be responsible for your own artwork shipping & handling costs to Deaf Spotlight.  

  • You will have a choice whether to sell your artwork or not.  

Important Dates: 

  • Announcement Date:  Thursday, February 29, 2024 

  • Registration Form Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024 

  • Submission Form Deadline: Monday, April 8, 2024 

  • Delivery of Artwork: Monday, April 15, 2024 (out of state) OR Wednesday, May 15th (in person)

  • Exhibit Reception: Saturday, June 22, 2024  

  • Exhibit Dates: Saturday, June 1 to Sunday, June 30, 2024 

  • Post Exhibit Artwork Pickup: July 15-20, 2024 


Artwork Submission Fee:  

There is a non-refundable entry fee of $20. This fee includes the shipping and handling expenses of a traditional panel to you from Deaf Spotlight and will help support this exhibit.  


Delivery/ Drop Off 

  • Options: Mail or drop off at Deaf Spotlight Art Space  

  • Mailing Deadline: Monday, April 15, 2024 

  • Date / Time drop off: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 from 3-8 PM.  

  • Address: Deaf Spotlight, 1517 12th Ave, Unit 202, Seattle, WA 98122 

  • Original packaging materials will not be saved. Each work, regardless of delivery method, should be gently wrapped with a bubble wrap / paper insulation or be sandwiched – but not attached – between two pieces of flat, clean 7 inches x 7 inches cardboard. 


Unsold Works 

Unsold works will be returned to the artists.  

Artwork for pick-up will be available at the Deaf Spotlight Art Space: Monday, July 15 – Saturday, 20, 2024 

Monday– Friday, 10am – 5pm 

Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm 


Any works not picked up or confirmed by August 1 will become property of Deaf Spotlight.  

Artwork to be returned to the artist by mail will be shipped via USPS within two weeks after the exhibit ends. This exhibit will be covered by the Art & Design Program.  


A word from the Art & Design Program 

The aim of 8 x 8 Exhibit is to be an open and all-inclusive, community art exhibit.  We will strive to show as many submitted works as possible in the exhibition.  However, there may be works which we will reserve the right to not exhibit. 

As we plan for this exhibit, we are continually thinking of all those we serve: our members; event sponsors; guests to the event; and the artists. It is our goal to be fair and respectful to all in considering what is displayed.   

In case, if a submitted work is declined for exhibit by Deaf Spotlight staff, someone from the organization will contact the artist personally to explain.   

The Art & Design Program will be responsible for shipping & handling after the exhibition ends.