Embrace the Sun with Selennnart
When: Saturday, September 25, 2021 @ 1 PM PST
Join Selena Alvarez of Selennnart for two hours embracing the sun! Kick back with us and paint a beautiful vibrant artwork to keep in your home forever. If you're looking to find the light from within and what makes your soul radiate rays of self-love, you don't want to miss out!
[Image description: A flyer for an art workshop. Lower right is a picture of a femme Latinx wearing bold yellow glasses and a black sweater that states “I am determined to fall in love with everything that I am” they are smiling under the shining sun and standing in front of a towering purple flower shrub. Blue text on the top: “Embrace the Sun with Selennnart: Art Workshop with Selena Alvarez.” Black text underneath “Saturday, September 25, 2021” ending with blue text “at 1 pm PST/ 2 pm MST/ 3 pm CST/ 4 pm EST.” On the left, black text on a purple notepad: “Please RSVP by Monday, September 20, 2021 to art-design@deafspotlight.org. Up to 9 spots. Workshop fee $15.” The background is yellow-orange with some doodling lines and three tan spots in random locations. The word “Sun” has an image of the sun behind. Lower right corner shows a plant as sketch art. Deaf Spotlight logo, on the bottom center.]