Deaf Spotlight to get its art space this summer!
ID: a banner ad with an architectural blue print with a white triangle at upper right corner. Inside the blue area with white text. Vertical word: "2022," with a blue vertical line between year and body text: "Tiny Cultural Space Community Partner:" and orange text: "DEAF SPOTLIGHT." Inside the white triangle, there are two logos: Sawhorse Revolution (orange), and Seattle Office of Arts and Culture (blue).
Deaf Spotlight to get its art space this summer!
April 3, 2022 is a historical milestone for Deaf Spotlight! Deaf Spotlight participated in a groundbreaking ceremony, marking the future location for its art space.
In a two-tiered process, Deaf Spotlight’s proposal was ultimately chosen as 2nd Tiny Cultural Space Community Partner by City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and Sawhorse Revolution’s student group last November. With this land, and a designed+built project from Sawhorse Revolution, Deaf Spotlight plans to bridge the deficit of fully accessible physical spaces for the Deaf and disabled arts community.
Fully following the guidelines of Universal Design, Sawhorse Revolution team will help and work with Deaf Spotlight to envision a new multi-functional HQ- including space for community meetings, a studio, an art gallery, and future art residency program available to the DDBDDHH (Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Deaf Disabled, and Hard of Hearing) community. Deaf Spotlight will host a grand opening this summer for the community to celebrate together.
Please follow Deaf Spotlight via social media and Sawhorse Revolution for more updates!
Read more about Estelita’s Library, the first Tiny Cultural Space Community Partner.