BIPOC Deaf Arts Grant Recipients Selected for 2022
ID: a blue background with BIPOC Deaf Arts Grant logo with a YouTube logo over it.
Deaf Spotlight is excited to announce the four 2022 recipients of the BIPOC Deaf Arts Grant!
If you don’t know, BIPOC means Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. The grant is for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and hard of hearing artists who are members of oppressed racial groups.
Our mission is to inspire and showcase Deaf Culture and Sign Languages through the arts. We're thrilled to continue this grant to support the new cycle of BIPOC Deaf artists.
The four recipients are:
Congratulations! We can’t wait to see what they create with this grant.
[ID: Poster for 2022 Grant Recipients with a dark blue background, and a row of cut-out portraits of the recipients across the bottom with their names printed above their heads in different colors: from left to right, Neha Balachandran, Donald M. Falls, Leinani Lucas and Sarah Young Bear-Brown. Pink text across top left: 2022; with white text underneath: Grant Recipients. A pattern of circle and half circles take up the space between the title and the row of names. Different colored lines match the person’s image to the name above. The BIPOC Deaf Arts Grant logo is on the top right corner, with the Deaf Spotlight logo on bottom center.]
The Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Deaf Arts Grant is a new annual program that provides financial support for emerging and established artists to further advance their careers.
Deaf Spotlight’s mission is to inspire and showcase Deaf Culture and Sign Languages through the arts. The Deaf Arts Grant will make a crucial difference for BIPOC Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled and Hard of Hearing artists to thrive in the challenging arts field.
To sign up for grant updates and opportunities, please email