Art Summit 2022
SAVE THE DATE: June 3-5, 2022
Deaf Spotlight will host its first Art Summit, a virtual Professional Development space where Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled and Hard of Hearing artists can network and learn more about the business side to become successful and practicing creatives. This is a great opportunity to build skills and to be confident in running your own art business.
Please sign up for our e-news, follow our social media and check our website for more updates.
ID: A square post flyer. A mosaic pattern of triangles starts out on bottom left and runs along the bottom and up the right side. The triangles start out yellows and reds on the left side and gradients to pinks and blues in the center and right side, and extending up the right side as yellows and oranges. A title sharing the same color spectrum as the triangles takes up the center space, "Art Summit". Smaller white text above title, “Deaf Spotlight". Similar text below title: "June 3-5, 2022" with the 2022 bolded.