Join Gerda on a harrowing journey in SCT’s The Snow Queen, a wildly original adaptation of the beloved Hans Christian Andersen tale. When her best friend Kay is taken by the Snow Queen to a world of numbing ice and snow, Gerda embarks on an unforgettable adventure across singing flowers, leaping reindeer, and unbreakable riddles. Will Gerda’s love and grief save her best friend Kay before he is trapped forever in the Snow Queen’s palace? Join us in this courageous and whimsical tale of deep human connection and belonging.
Readied for its West Coast Premiere in collaboration with our local and regional partners The National Nordic Museum and Western Washington University, comes a fresh new take on the same classic tale that inspired Disney’s Frozen.
Where: Charlotte Martin Theatre; 201 Thomas Street, Seattle, WA 98109
When: Saturday, December 14, show starts at 1:00 pm
Content note: This production includes themes of grief and use of a knife as a form of protection. For more information and a detailed synopsis, please visit our Content Guidance page.