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The Gold Rush (1925)

The Gold Rush (1925) – Charlie Chaplin’s iconic “Little Tramp” embarks on a hilarious and heartwarming journey. Written, produced, directed by Chaplin who stars as the Lone Prospector, a character who ventures into the Alaskan wilderness during the Gold Rush in search of fortune. 

The story follows the Prospector as he faces numerous challenges, including harsh weather, hunger, and encounters with wild animals and criminals. One of the film’s most iconic scenes features Chaplin’s character cooking and eating his own shoe to stave off starvation. The Gold Rush is celebrated for its blend of comedy and pathos, and Chaplin himself considered it one of his best works.

ASL interpretation

Where: The Paramount Theater; 911 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101

Monday, January 27th, doors open at 6pm and show starts at 7pm

To get Tickets, please email

ID: Vintage movie poster showing a cabin on the edge of a cliff, tipping toward the abyss. Inside the door, there are legs sticking out with a hat and cane falling out of the house. In huge yellow letters “The Gold Rush with Live Orchestra”.

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