Art & Design:
Upper ID: Pair of hands kneading clay with white text: “Art & Design: ARCHIVES.”
It all starts with an idea that inspires us to create.
Take a memory stroll through our past exhibitions.
ID: Flyer for the Community Art Exhibit: Summer Solstice with the title in dark green on a light yellow background dotted with flowers. Two graphics sit in a row under the title, the left graphic shows a sunrise at sea with the sunlight reflected on the water. The right graphic shows a sunset on a dark ground. Text below graphics: “June 1- 30, 2024.”
The summer solstice marks a time of vibrant energy, long days, and the beauty of nature in full bloom. During this time, the sun shines at its peak length, and we are kicking off the summer energy with an art gallery exhibiting a vibrant collection of original artwork submitted by Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled and Hard of Hearing artists, both locally and nationwide.
Youth | Max Sanders / Campfire
Young Adult | Julia LaBelle / Signs of Sun
Adult | Hilarie Dunham / Sun Goddess
Featured Artists
Category: Adult
Fred Michael Beam
Naima Boudreaux
Anna Bracilano
Brittany Castle
Phelan Conheady
Hilarie Dunham
Jena Floyd
Libby Freilich
Loni Friedmann
Sophia Gold
Maxine Goldberg
Barbie Harris
Katrina Torrey Katz
Ka Yun Chan Lau
Sami Liddick
Laurie Monahan
Guthrie Nutter
Elise Nye
Jeremy Quiroga
Sam Sanders
Orkid Sassouni
Jon Savage
Destiny Slater
Jason Tang
Munira Virji
Jessie Zhang
Category: Young Adult
Mason Bates
Marisa Gold
Julia LaBelle
Xiangxiang Li
Asher Sanders
Darby Woods
Category: Youth
Logan Bodily
Lucas Gramer
Sooah Koch
Audrey McIntyre
Ramón Torres Morán
Lander Muresan
Max Sanders
Amelia Stannard
Mackenzie Tang
Ryder Tang
Penelope Uran
Mabel Virji-Goldberg
ID: white background with two logos: Deaf Spotlight and (capitalized bold black text: Group Art and white capitalized text: Exhibition over teal/blue paintbrush block. Headline teal text: “CONGRATULATIONS! Two columns of artists’ names. Dark pink text: Come and see their works from April 2-27, 2019 at the A/NT Gallery, Seattle, WA. Website
2019: April 2- 27 @ AN/T GALLERY
Community’s Choice: “Dr. Stokoe’s Creation” by Brad Thornberry
Jury’s Choice: “Why fit in when you were born to be different!” by Shaynedonovan Elliott
Featured Artists:
Brittany Castle
Shaynedonovan Elliott
Toby Fitch
Jena Floyd
Jennifer K Harris
Samantha Liddick
Olivia Mackey
Kellie Martin
Perseus McDaniel
Ann Silver
Rob Roth
Paul Scearce
Jason Tang
Brad Thornberry
Jim Van Manen
Featured artists at the exhibition’s opening night.
ID: a group photo of artists posed for the camera.
Jury’s Choice: “Why fit in when you were born to be different!” by Shaynedonovan Elliott
ID: Shaynedonvan with orange ribbon posed front of the photograph of a Black person with dreads with searing eyes to the camera.
Community’s Choice: “Dr. Stokoe’s Creation” by Brad Thornberry
ID: Brad posed with the blue ribbon front of the painting of a illustrated doctor front of ASL Frankenstein.
ID: white background with two logos: Deaf Spotlight and Group Art Exhibition, blue text: Feb 23-25, 2018 with colorful crystals from the bottom.
2018: Feb 23-25
@ Magnuson Park Gallery
Community’s Choice: “ASL Owl” by Paul Searce
Jury’s Choice: “GASP” by Jena Floyd
Featured artists:
Brittany Castle
John Delta da Gresli
Toby Fitch
Jena Floyd
Changer Gonzalez
Sami Liddick
Anne Gray Liversidge
Gabe Perrusquia
Rob Roth
Christina Cox / Jason Tang
Paul Scearce
Ann Silver
Amanda Smith
Jason Tang
Brad Thornberry
Jury’s Choice: “GASP” by Jena Floyd
ID: Jena Floyd in black attire, beside the framed artwork of a striped person looking downward out of a window.
Community’s Choice: “ASL Owl” by Paul Searce
ID: Paul Searce in a blue top with a blue and black jacket holding up an art store gift card front of a framed artwork of an owl in flight with handshapes.
Art Committee 2018
ID: a snapshot of art committee dancing and celebrating the success of the opening night, from left: Luce LeBlanc, Patty Liang, Anna Mansell Karagiannis, Brittany Castle and Kellie Martin.
ID: light purple background with two headshots of Ann Silver and Nancy Rourke at top. Headline lime green text: COLOR US D-E-A-F: The Art of Ann Silver & Nancy Rourke. White banner below with text: Lecture, Exhibition, Book Signing and Reception. 3 splatters on left: Date, time, details. White text on right: FREMONT ABBEY ARTS CENTER, 4272 FREMONT AVE N, SEATTLE, WA 98103. White paintbrush below with black text: DEAFBLIND REQUESTS BY JAN 10, 2016 White centered text: FREE EVENT, THIS EVENT WILL BE IN ASL WITH ENGLISH INTERPRETATION. Sponsors logo at bottom.
2016: Jan 30
COLOR US D-E-A-F: The Art of Ann Silver & Nancy Rourke
@ Fremont Arts Abbey
Deaf Spotlight hosted an event: COLOR US D-E-A-F with Nancy Rourke and Ann Silver featuring an art exhibition of their work, book signing and reception.
ID: red background with white brushstroke across the screen with text: DEAF SPOTLIGHT INVITES YOU TO: {RED} GROUP ART EXHIBIT, HOSTED BY THE GEORGETOWN ARTS & CULTURAL CENTER. What do you think when you see the word “Red”? Come see what it means to a group of artists in Seattle’s Deaf Community. Date, GEORGETOWN ARTS & CULTURAL CENTER, 5809 AIRPORT WAY SOUTH, SEATTLE, WA 98108. Sponsor logos at bottom right corner.
2013: September 14
RED Group Art Exhibit
Featured Artists:
Alisha Timmerman
Andrea Kurs
Ann Silver
Gabby Hopkinson
Jeremy Quiroga
John Delta Fresli
Paul Scearce
ID: gray background with white brushstroke with a headshot of Jena Floyd sipping a drink. Left aligned text: Thursday, June 20, 2013 6-9 PM, Fremont Abbey Arts Center, 4272 Fremont Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103. Snacks will be provided. Beverages available for purchase. OPEN TO PUBLIC! Street parking available. Bottom text: website.
2013: June 20
Jena Floyd: Solo Art Exhibit
@ Fremont Arts Abbey
Deaf Spotlight believes in promoting local Deaf artists and their works. Deaf Spotlight is excited to support one of the upcoming art exhibitions featuring Jena Floyd’s works.
Jena Floyd is an emerging artist, versatile in areas of painting, inking, and digital illustration. This will be her first open showcase reflecting her personal themes in hopes to simultaneously inspire social change and address spirituality -- as she strongly believes that both aforementioned topics are deeply entangled yet somewhat superficially intertwined.